Public events

In Carpling you will find other people with whom to travel which will allow for the most comfortable, economical and fun trip possible. If you don't live in a big city, you can also publish your route and times, and we will indicate who passes close enough to pick you up, or who you could pick up along your way.

No doubt this type of events gather a great amount of people, which is why you have a lot of possibilities of finding somebody to travel with if you decide to leave your vehicle home. You're sure to save some money on the trip!

Also, with a common destination and the motivation of a great weekend, it's a unique opportunity to make new friends with whom you can repeat on future occasions. It may seem difficult to reach an agreement with everyone about the travel times, but saving money and hassle is worth it.


Carpling Activity ©

Sarah is looking for a lift (once only).

1 day ago

Joseph is either offering a lift or looking for one (once only).

1 day ago

Ricardo is looking for a lift (once only).

1 day ago

Ricardo is looking for a lift (once only).

1 day ago

Leonardo is looking for a parking place to share expenses.

2 days ago

Ainhoa is looking for a lift (daily).

3 days ago

Ainhoa is looking for a lift (daily).

4 days ago

Mdelrocio is looking for a lift (once only).

4 days ago

Sara is looking for a lift (daily).

4 days ago

Sara is looking for a lift (daily).

4 days ago

Hasnain is offering a lift (once only).

4 days ago

Hasnain is offering a lift (once only).

4 days ago

Adrián is looking for a lift (in the next...).

5 days ago

Adrián is either offering a lift or looking for one (daily).

5 days ago

Felipe is looking for a parking place to share expenses.

6 days ago