Terms and conditions

The Terms and Conditions regulate the use of the services provided by the website www.Carpling (hereinafter, the “Portal”) that Carpling has made available to Internet users. When a user accesses the website or uses the features of this platform, it is implied that he has read and agreed to all these terms and conditions.

1. Object

Carpling is an initiative that aims to build a tool where people who make similar or matching routes and that wish to share a vehicle for economical, environmental or social reasons, can get in touch with each other.
Therefore, Carpling is an intermediary that offers its services to registered users so that they can get in touch with other users and share a vehicle in a similar route, or that part of which coincides.
This service of intermediation doesn't imply any kind of responsibility towards these users or third parties regarding their use of this website. The responsibility is only theirs.
The user is the sole responsible for the content and use of his profile, and has to assure that this use of the website is correct, keeping in mind these conditions imposed by Carpling and by the current legislation, both national and international. The user must also apply the basic principles of common sense, good faith, and public order.

2. General conditions of use

The expression “Portal” comprises all the texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photos, etc. that are included in the website and, in general, all the creations that are currently known or that will be invented in the future, regardless of them being susceptible of intellectual property or not (regarding the Intellectual Property Legislation or future legislation that concerns intellectual property).
By accessing the Portal, you acquire the status of user. Registering in Carpling gives you the registered user status and implies the full acceptance, without reservation, of each and every one of the provisions that are part of this Agreement, as well as the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions that are published in the website www.Carpling.
The user will use the services and contents of the site for personal and private purposes only, excluding any kind of use of these services and contents for profit purposes or for any benefit, direct or indirect, exception made on allowed situations.
Accessing the Portal implies that the user acquires several rights and obligations with the purpose of assuring the proper use of the services and contents that Carpling provides his users for free, with the exception of those cases where the Particular Conditions that regulate a determined service or content establish that the user must pay a certain amount to use them.
The user is aware that the access and use of the services and contents of the site are his own responsibility.
The user fully accepts these general conditions of use by simply accessing the Portal and/or visualizing the contents and using the services that are part of it.
Carpling can change and/or review unilaterally and without previous notice the providing, configuration, content and services of the Portal, as well as these conditions and the access to the provided services, without prejudice of the Particular Conditions that regulate de use of a certain service and/or content. The changes might happen for legal or technical reasons, changes in the provision of services and in the rules, as well as changes that might occur for the standard codes or for strategic corporate decisions.
If the user doesn't agree with the changes that might be made, he or she can cancel his or her account by following the procedure to do so.
If these general conditions are substituted by other conditions, as a whole or in part, the new conditions will be interpreted as accepted. Nevertheless, the user shall access these general conditions on a regular basis to be aware of the several versions that might be included here, even if it's recommended that the user access the general conditions every time he or she wants to access or use the services and contents of the Portal.
If the user doesn't accept these general conditions or the particular conditions that regulate a certain service and/or content, the user shall not access the Portal and this certain service and/or content.
The main service offered by Carpling, through accessing the portal, is directed to third parties that will use it for personal purposes. Thus, any responsibility that comes with the personal use of the web will rely on the user himself.
The expenses of accessing the site through cell phones or any other kind of expenses with the connection and access to the Portal are the user's responsibility. To access the portal, the user must gather the following technical conditions: Internet connection with a 56Kbps of bandwidth or more, updated browser, screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels, and colour depth of 16 bits or more.
The user must establish the appropriate technical safety measures in order to avoid undesired actions on his system, documents and hardware used to access the Internet and, specifically, the Portal, being aware that the Internet isn't totally safe.

3. Standards

In order to become a Carpling user, it is mandatory to read and accept the General Conditions of Use, as well as the privacy policy.
Next, there will be made a series of indications regarding the use of this portal. These indications intend to be a group of basic advice. Regardless, the user is the only one responsible for putting them to practice. Thus, Carpling has no responsibility on this matter. Nevertheless, Carpling asks his users to report any kind of abusive behaviour or that doesn't comply with the rules, any illegal acts, unseemly acts, etc, to the email info@Carpling so that we are able to investigate what happened and, if appropriate, ban that user's access to the site
as fast as possible. Carpling cannot be responsible for this kind of behaviour under any circumstances. Plus, neither Carpling nor its employees can have any kind of legal responsibility over these actions.
When the user accepts these terms and conditions and begins to use the page, it means that he agrees and accepts the fulfilment of the requirements established by the current legislation of personal data.
The user must keep in mind that the data provided in the fields “personal information” will be available only for users that find them in their searches. So, only those users that have a similar or matching route to yours will be able to view this information. If you don't want other users to view this information, don't fill these fields in.
It is expressly forbidden to give false data and/or use another person's identity. The name given by the user must be real and all the data must be true and updated. The user is the only one responsible for the veracity of the data and, if they're not true or real, he is responsible for the risks that may occur from the malfunctioning of the services.
Carpling can end the relationship with the user immediately, and at any time, if the information that the user has provided proves false.
Punctuality: he user commit to being thoroughly punctual. If this is not possible, the user must warn other users in due time.
Detailed information on the trip and changes: any kind of changes regarding the trip (schedules, routes, etc.) must be informed to other users as quickly as possible, and with at least 24 hours in advance.
Hygiene: basic hygiene conditions, of the vehicle and of the users, are mandatory.
Law and safety: the driver commits to have all of the vehicles' paperwork that might affect others, such as the insurance. Likewise, he commits to not drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other kind of substances that might put his and other passengers' lives in danger. He also must be aware that the vehicle's check-up must be up to date, and guarantee that the vehicle is working well.
Both the driver and the passenger agree on not carrying any merchandise considered illegal according to the current legislation.
Luggage: according to the current legislation, it is forbidden to carry luggage on the back seat of the vehicle. It is necessary to inform what kind of luggage you'll be travelling with, the quantity, dimensions, etc, in order to avoid last minute “surprises”.
Good behaviour: it's necessary to be respectful towards the other users. Avoid derogatory and/or harming comments to other users, especially if they imply discrimination by gender, ethnicity, beliefs, etc.
Responsible driving: in addition to respecting traffic rules and never putting other users' lives in danger, Carpling recommends safe and environment-friendly driving and always in accordance with the current legislation established by authorities.

4. User's Rights

The user can (unless Carpling, at a certain point in time, establishes otherwise, changing these Terms and Conditions):

  • The user can (unless Carpling, at a certain point in time, establishes otherwise, changing these Terms and Conditions):
  • Access, for free and with no need of previous authorization, the contents and services available in the Portal, without prejudice of the technical and particular conditions, or of the need of registering to access certain services and contents, as is established in these general conditions or in the Particular Conditions of these services.
  • Use the available services and contents for his individual use exclusively, for personal reasons only and not for trading purposes, without prejudice of what is established in the Particular Conditions that regulate de use of certain services and/or contents.
  • Do a correct and legal use of this page, in compliance with the basic rules established by Carpling, with the current legislation, the principles of morality and of public order.

5. Prohibitions

Under no circumstances may the user:

  • Decompile, dismantle, lease, supply, sale, or apply reverse engineering to the service, or even give away the Licence to Access and Use the Service or create other versions of the Carpling website or of the Service. Likewise, the Registered User is not allowed to use any network controlling software or of any other kind to determine how the website and service are made and designed, to extract information about its use, about identities or about Registered Users.
  • Use robots, “spiders”, or any other kind of software, automatic device or manual process to control or copy the Service. The Registered User is not allowed to copy, alter, replicate, publish, distribute, demonstrate or broadcast, as a whole or in part, for commercial purposes or other, the technological elements that are part of the Service.
  • Send virus infected material or any kind of code, documents, or computer programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the features of any software or hardware.
  • Publish any URL or content that belongs to Carpling outside of the website, without previous consent in writing from Carpling.
  • Provide false data and/or use another person's identity.
  • Access or use the services and contents of the site for illegal purposes, that damage the rights of others, or that might harm, damage or block in any way the access to these services and contents.
  • Use the services, as a whole or in part, to promote, sale, hire, advertise or disclose information about other people without previous authorization from Carpling.
  • Introduce any information in the Portal or use the existing services with the purpose of attacking – directly or not – the rights – especially the fundamental rights and freedom – of other users of the Portal or Carpling; that provoke or promote criminal, xenophobic, terrorist or degrading acts due to age, gender, religion or beliefs; or of pornographic, obscene and violent nature; or that are illegal and morally wrong. For this purpose, by information we mean: texts, graphics, images, videos, sounds, drawings, photos, data, notes, etc.
  • Include hyperlinks to the user's personal or commercial website, if not following the terms to do so.
  • Use the services and contents available in a way contrary to the established in the general conditions of use and/or in the particular conditions that regulate the use of a certain service and/or content, and with prejudice to the rights of the other users.
  • Carry out any action that prevents or hinders the access of users to the site, and to the hyperlinks to services and contents that Carpling makes available through the site.
  • Use the Portal as an access to the Internet to order illegal acts or that are contrary to the current law, morals and public order.
  • Use any kind of virus, code, software, computer or telecommunications program and equipment that may damage or alter, without permission, the contents, programs or systems that are available through the services and contents of the Portal; or the information systems, documents and equipments of the users; or the unauthorized access to any of the Portal's contents and/or services.
  • Delete or change, in any way, the protection or identification devices of Carpling or of the owners of the contents that might be published on the Portal, or of the symbols that Carpling or of the owners of the rights incorporate to their creations, object of intellectual or industrial property.
  • Include, in your personal websites or websites of your responsibility, metatags that refer to trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs that belong to Carpling.
  • Reproduce, as a whole or in part, the Portal in another website, without following the appropriate rules to do so.
  • Do framings to the Portal or to the websites accessible through the Portal that hide or alter contents, advertisements and trademarks of Carpling or of third parties, regardless of them being acts of unfair competition or just confusion.
  • Create segments in a website of your responsibility that reproduce the main page and/or other pages that are available through the main page, without previous consent of Carpling.
  • Include a hyperlink, in your website or in one of your responsibility that creates a new window or session of the software that is used by a visitor, user or client of your website, where trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs are included, through which it is possible to view the Portal's main page or other pages.
  • Use the trademark, trade names, as well as any other distinctive sign that is subject to intellectual or industrial property rights, without previous consent in writing of its owner.
  • Perform any act that implies the replication, distribution, copy, lease, public communication, transformation or any other similar action that implies the modification or alteration of all or part of the contents and services of the Portal; as well as the economic exploitation of these contents and services, without previous consent in writing form Carpling or from the owner of the intellectual and industrial property's rights of these services and contents, subject to the established in the general and particular conditions.
  • Save or use the user's personal information with any purpose other than getting in touch with them. Any other matters that haven't got anything to do with the services offered by Carpling are responsibility of the users.
  • It is forbidden and subject to the legal responsibility applicable the delivery of unsolicited information, spam, virus and other programs to the users of this Portal.

6. Carpling's Rights

Carpling reserves the rights to:

  • Change the access to the Portal's terms, technical or not, unilaterally and without previous notice to the users, without prejudice to the established in the particular conditions that regulate the use of a certain service and/or content of the Portal.
  • Establish particular conditions and, if necessary, establish a price or other requirements to access certain services and/or contents.
  • Limit, exclude or moderate the user's access whenever all the guarantees of correct usage of the Portal aren't met by the users, as established in the obligations and prohibitions that the users agreed on.
  • End a service or content, without any right to compensation, when they prove to be illegal or contrary to the established requirements, without prejudice to the established in the particular conditions that regulate the use of a certain service and/or content.
  • Change, unilaterally and without previous notice, whenever it is appropriate, the structure and design of the Portal, as well as update, modify or suppress all or part of the contents or services and access and use conditions of the Portal. Likewise, Carpling may limit or ban the access to such information.
  • Deny, at any time and without previous notice, the access of users that don't follow these general conditions.
  • Carry out any legal action that is appropriate for the protection of Carpling's rights or of third parties' rights that offer their services or contents through the Portal.
  • Delete a user's account for providing false data, for unseemly behaviour or abusive behaviour towards other users.
  • Demand a compensation for the inappropriate or illegal use of all or part of the services and contents offered through the Portal.

7. Disclaimer and limitation of liability of Carpling

Carpling is exempt of any kind of responsibility for damages or losses of any nature in the following situations:

  • For the impossibility or difficulty connecting to the service that allows the user to access this Portal, regardless of the type of connection used by him.
  • For the interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the Portal, as well as for the availability and continuity of the operation of the Portal or of its services and/or contents, when it happens for reasons that Carpling cannot control, or when it happens for a subsequent reason, direct or indirect.
  • Carpling doesn't take any responsibility regarding the services and contents, nor their availability and access requirements, technical or not, that are offered by others, especially when they belong to the information society. By information society we mean those who offer these services to the public.
  • Carpling doesn't take any responsibility for damages that might be originated by information, contents, products and services that are promoted, published, disseminated, exhibited or offered by third parties, external to Carpling – including those who belong to the information society – through a Portal to which you might be able to access through a link on Carpling's Portal.
  • For the quality and speed of access, and for the technical conditions that the user must gather in order to be able to access the Portal and its services and/or contents.
  • Carpling will not be responsible for the delays and mistakes that occur while accessing and/or operating the services and/or contents of the Portal, due to reasons of force majeure. By “reasons of force majeure” we mean all the reasons that weren't predicted or that, although having been predicted, were inevitable, resulting in the noncompliance of an obligation. Amongst these reasons, but not exclusively, we name the strikes, uprisings or insurgencies, as well as military or public authority's rules, natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, storms or fires, as well as wars, cease of activity, or other reasons of force majeure.
  • The user will be personally responsible for any damages of any nature caused to Carpling, directly or not, by the noncompliance with the general conditions or other rules that establish the use of the Portal.

8. Contents

When a user publishes content, he guarantees that he has all the rights to do so and to allow Carpling to use them online, and that by doing it there are no intimacy, honour, or image rights of a third party being violated. The user knows that the contents and services available in the Portal – including texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photos, comments, exposures and HTML codes, with this list not being exhaustive – are protected by intellectual property laws. This Portal's copyright and commercial rights belong to Carpling.
The trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs that appear in the Portal are Carpling's property or, if appropriate, of third parties and are protected by current legislation of industrial property. The publishing of services and contents through the Portal doesn't imply, under any circumstances, the ending, waiver or transmission, as a whole or partially, of the ownership of the concerning intellectual and industrial property rights.
No segment of this Portal may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, broadcast, transformed, as a whole or partially, through any system or manual technique, electronic or mechanic (including photocopy, tape or any system that allows to recover or store information) through any device known or that is developed in the future, without Carpling's consent. The use of all or part of the Portal's content is subject to previous authorization from Carpling, and to the acceptance of the appropriate licence. Exception made to those situations where the user's rights, as established in the general or particular conditions, allows the user to do so.
Under any circumstances may the user use the services and contents available in the site for any purpose other than personal ones, except at expected situations established in the general conditions or in the particular conditions that regulate the use of a certain service and/or content offered by this Portal.
If a culpable or negligent omission or action, directly or indirectly chargeable to the user, that goes against the intellectual and industrial property rights of Carpling or of third parties – benefiting the user, or not, of them – arises damages, losses, obligations, expenses of any kind, sanctions, coercive measures, fines or other amounts to Carpling, that come from complaints, demands, actions, legal actions or procedures, whether civil, legal or administrative, Carpling will have the right to go against the user through every legal means appropriate in order to claim compensation such as – for instance – moral and image damages, profit damages, advertising expenses or of other nature that may arise from repairing the situation, sanction or sentences costs, interest, expenses of the third party, legal or defence costs of a legal procedure that may arise from the referred causes, for the damages caused by the user's actions or omissions, without prejudice of carrying out other appropriate measures by Law.

8. Links

The people or entities that wish to make or actually make a hyperlink from a website of another Internet portal to any of the pages of Carpling, should undergo the following requirements:

  • The reproduction, as a whole or in part, of the services or contents of the Portal is not allowed, unless Carpling gives its consent in writing.
  • The establishment of deep-links, IMG or image links and frames is not allowed, unless Carpling gives its previous consent.
  • No false, inaccurate or incorrect declaration about the Portal's pages or about its services or contents will be included.
  • With the exception of those symbols that are part of the hyperlink, the website in which it is established may not contain any trademark, trade name, designation, logo, slogan or any other distinctive signs that belong to Carpling, unless Carpling expressly allows it.
  • The establishment of an hyperlink doesn't imply the existence of any kind of relationship between the APV and the owner of the website or portal where the link is made. Thus, Carpling is also exempt of any responsibility for them, as well as for the opinions that are made on them.
  • Carpling will not be responsible for the contents or services made available on the website or portal where the hyperlink is made, nor for the information or comments included.
  • Any hyperlink to the Portal shall be made directly to its main page or each segment's main page.

Carpling denies any kind of responsibility for the information included in third parties' websites, connected to the Portal through links or that aren't directly managed by Carpling. The links that appear in this Portal have informative purposes only and under any circumstances must be perceived as a suggestion, invitation or recommendation to visit certain destinations.

9. Privacy

In order to use the services, the users must or can provide certain personal data to Carpling. Carpling will manage this data automatically and for the purposes, as well as under the established conditions, mentioned in the Terms and Conditions and in the Privacy Policy of the Portal.
In compliance with the established in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, concerning the Personal Data Protection, and other legislation that is applicable or developed in the future, Carpling will create an automatic file with your personal data, where all the information you'll need to access and use the Portal will be gathered.

Carpling Activity ©

Izamar is looking for a parking place to share expenses.

7 hours ago

Mehdi is looking for a lift (once only).

18 hours ago

Adrian is looking for a lift (daily).

21 hours ago

Ariadna wants to share a taxi (once only).

1 day ago

Ariadna is looking for a lift (daily).

1 day ago

Ana is offering his/her parking place to share expenses.

1 day ago

Dheepak is either offering a lift or looking for one (once only).

1 day ago

Maria is looking for a parking place to share expenses.

2 days ago

Ore is looking for a lift (once only).

3 days ago

Fathi is offering a lift (once only).

3 days ago

Taranjeet is looking for a lift (once only).

4 days ago